
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. "phoenix-framework" keyword

live_admin 0.11.5 💰
A admin UI for Phoenix applications built with LiveView
34 versions - Latest release: 19 days ago - 1 dependent repositories - 15.9 thousand downloads total - 220 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
tw_screen_size 0.1.0
A tiny, one-component package for LiveView x Tailwind to elevate your design iteration experience...
1 version - Latest release: 5 days ago - 20 downloads total - 26 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_routes_js 0.1.1
PhoenixRoutesJs generates javascript object that keeps all named routes defined in Phoenix as jav...
2 versions - Latest release: over 6 years ago - 1.13 thousand downloads total - 20 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 1.3% on
sobelow 0.13.0
Security-focused static analysis for Elixir & the Phoenix framework
71 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 6 dependent packages - 513 dependent repositories - 31.1 million downloads total - 1,566 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
pryin 1.5.2
PryIn is an Application Performance Monitoring platform for your Phoenix application.
20 versions - Latest release: almost 6 years ago - 1 dependent package - 3 dependent repositories - 36.7 thousand downloads total - 27 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
flop_phoenix 0.22.8 💰
Phoenix components for pagination, sortable tables and filter forms using Flop.
46 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 3 dependent repositories - 242 thousand downloads total - 303 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
pyro 0.3.7 💰
Component tooling for Phoenix.
12 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 642 downloads total - 42 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
better_params 0.5.0
Cleaner Plug params for Elixir web applications 🙌
5 versions - Latest release: over 6 years ago - 6 dependent repositories - 287 thousand downloads total - 97 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
realtime 0.0.0 💰
1 version - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 87 downloads total - 6,438 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_localized_routes 0.1.2
Localize your Phoenix website with multilingual URLs and custom template assigns; enhancing user ...
5 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 4 thousand downloads total - 20 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
spur 0.4.0 💰
Activity tracking for Elixir apps
6 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 20.4 thousand downloads total - 27 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phx_ex_ray 0.1.2
Wrapper around ex_ray for OpenTrace in Elixir Phoenix
3 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 914 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
uuid_helper_module 0.0.2
A library to give support of uuid_helper in database tables
2 versions - Latest release: almost 5 years ago - 229 downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
webauthn_components 0.7.0
Passkey authentication for Phoenix LiveView applications.
18 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2.93 thousand downloads total - 137 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_mtm 1.0.0
A small collection of functions to make it easier working with Ecto many_to_many assocations and ...
9 versions - Latest release: over 5 years ago - 1 dependent package - 7 dependent repositories - 114 thousand downloads total - 28 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
load_resource 0.4.1
A lightweight, flexible plug to load and validate resources used by your app.
5 versions - Latest release: almost 6 years ago - 824 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
ash_pyro 0.2.1 💰
Declarative UI for Ash Framework.
5 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 194 downloads total - 2 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
ash_pyro_components 0.1.0 💰
Automatically render UI for Ash resources via DSL configuration.
2 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 100 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_mdbootstrap_live_view 0.1.3 💰
Material Design Bootstrap 4 LiveViews for Phoenix Applications
2 versions - Latest release: about 3 years ago - 131 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
tabler_icons 0.5.4
Tabler Icons as Phoenix.Component. Strongly inspired by heroicons elixir package.
36 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 6.1 thousand downloads total - 9 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_jsroutes 2.0.0
Brings phoenix router helpers to your javascript code.
6 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 4 dependent repositories - 10.2 thousand downloads total - 26 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
auth_plug 1.5.2
Turnkey Auth Plug lets you protect any route in an Elixir/Phoenix App.
61 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 7 dependent repositories - 25.9 thousand downloads total - 29 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
hammer_backend_redis 6.1.2
Redis backend for Hammer rate-limiter
22 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 8 dependent repositories - 21.5 million downloads total - 38 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
nimble_template 4.6.0
Phoenix/Mix template for projects at [Nimble](
10 versions - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 8 dependent repositories - 1.75 thousand downloads total - 80 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
goal 0.3.2
A parameter validation library based on Ecto
14 versions - Latest release: about 1 month ago - 1 dependent repositories - 96.2 thousand downloads total - 53 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
nimble_phx_gen_template 2.2.1
Project repository template to set up all public Phoenix projects at Nimble
5 versions - Latest release: about 3 years ago - 373 downloads total - 80 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
bartender 0.1.0
JWT authentication using Absinthe + Guardian
1 version - Latest release: almost 6 years ago - 1.43 thousand downloads total - 12 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_mjml 0.2.1
Phoenix Template Engine for Mjml
5 versions - Latest release: over 5 years ago - 247 thousand downloads total - 39 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
plug_dynamic 1.0.0
Allows registration of every Plug with dynamic configuration.
1 version - Latest release: over 5 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 20.7 thousand downloads total - 5 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
canonical_logs 0.1.0
Consolidates your Plug/Phoenix/Absinthe request logs into a single log line with all of their rel...
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 8.02 thousand downloads total - 2 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
soft_delete_helper_module 0.0.1
An elixir/phoenix library to give support of soft deletion in database/schema
1 version - Latest release: almost 5 years ago - 132 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
plug_static_ls 0.6.1 💰
Directory Index for Plug/Phoenix Static Assets
13 versions - Latest release: about 7 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2.42 thousand downloads total - 5 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
yandex_cloud 0.3.2
API Wrapper for Yandex Cloud services with Elixir
5 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 564 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
pandadoc 0.1.2 💰
Implements the free document signing API provided by
3 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 515 downloads total - 2 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
bitstyles_phoenix 2.3.1
A collection of Elixir phoenix helpers for bitstyles
24 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 43.2 thousand downloads total - 9 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
proto_response 0.4.1
Provides helper function similar to Phoenix.ConnTest.json_response/2, but for protobuf
6 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 23.9 thousand downloads total - 4 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
font_awesomex 4.0.0
A library that provides a helper to easily integrate Font Awesome into your Phoenix application.
1 version - Latest release: over 7 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 5.52 thousand downloads total - 4 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
athena_logistics 1.0.0
Athena Event Logistics - Backend / Web
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 44 downloads total - 5 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
components 0.1.0
Biblioteca de componentes para a Plataforma PEA Pescarte
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 47 downloads total - 10 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
pescarte 0.1.0
Biblioteca de componentes para a Plataforma PEA Pescarte
1 version - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 44 downloads total - 10 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
throttle 0.1.2
A general throttle utility. Mainly used to throttle inbound or outbound requests.
3 versions - Latest release: almost 7 years ago - 648 downloads total - 11 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
fork_with_flags 1.11.2
ForkWithFlags, a fork of the flexible and fast feature toggle library for Elixir.
3 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 1 dependent package - 342 downloads total - 5 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_custom_generators 1.0.7
Phoenix Generators with ExMachina and JaSerializer Support
12 versions - Latest release: over 6 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 2.61 thousand downloads total - 7 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phx_izitoast 0.1.2
This is a Phoenix Elixir IziToast Notification wrapper., A Jav...
3 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1.8 thousand downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
lexoffice 0.1.9 💰
Implements the API for invoice generation with
8 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 1.17 thousand downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
plug_minify_html 0.1.0
A Plug that minifies HTML response body
1 version - Latest release: about 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 4.6 thousand downloads total - 8 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
slender_channel 1.0.0
Exposes helpful macros for working with Phoenix Channels
4 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 1.5 thousand downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_bootstrap_form 0.1.1
Bootstrap 4 Forms for Phoenix Applications
7 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 4 dependent repositories - 54.2 thousand downloads total - 38 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
votex 0.3.0
Implements vote / like / follow functionality for Ecto models. Inspired from Acts as Votable
3 versions - Latest release: over 5 years ago - 388 downloads total - 41 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
channel_handler 0.6.2
Utilities to organize Phoenix channels.
19 versions - Latest release: 10 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 18.4 thousand downloads total - 75 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
simple_token_authentication 0.7.0
A plug that checks for presence of a simple token for authentication
8 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 452 thousand downloads total - 10 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
loading_message 0.2.0
Loading Message. Library to select one random funny loading message.
2 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 231 downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
google_translate 0.0.1
API Wrapper for Google Translate services with Elixir
1 version - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 133 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
conductor 0.5.0
Simple package for api authorization.
6 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 38.1 thousand downloads total - 8 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
couchdb_auth 0.1.0
CouchDB HTTP authorization package
1 version - Latest release: almost 7 years ago - 320 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
prexent_new 0.2.1
Prexent installer
4 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 381 downloads total - 81 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
dissolver 0.9.4
Pagination for Ecto and Phoenix.
2 versions - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1.37 thousand downloads total - 14 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_mdbootstrap_form 0.1.2 💰
Material Design Bootstrap 4 Forms for Phoenix Applications
10 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 1.17 thousand downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
webauthn_live_component 0.2.2
Passwordless authentication for LiveView applications.
4 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 392 downloads total - 135 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
distillery_packager 2.0.1
Elixir lib for creating Debian and RPM packages with Distillery.
15 versions - Latest release: almost 3 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 20.9 thousand downloads total - 26 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
fork_with_flags_ui 0.8.2
ForkWithFlags.UI, a fork of the FunWithFlags.UI web dashboard, made for integration with the Fork...
2 versions - Latest release: 9 months ago - 220 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
pharams 0.10.0 💰
Validate parameters in Phoenix with ease using Ecto.Schema
10 versions - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 1.49 thousand downloads total - 30 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
nav_ex 0.1.0
NavEx is the navigation history package for Elixir/Phoenix Framework. It uses adapter pattern and...
1 version - Latest release: 11 months ago - 44 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 6.9% on
canary 1.1.1
An authorization library to restrict what resources the current user is allowed to access, and lo...
25 versions - Latest release: about 7 years ago - 46 dependent repositories - 418 thousand downloads total - 473 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
haytni 0.7.0
A flexible authentication (and more) solution for Phoenix
7 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 685 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenixchannelclient 0.1.4 💰
Phoenix Channel Client
5 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 3 dependent repositories - 39 thousand downloads total - 21 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
mpesa 0.1.2
This is wrapper for Daraja Mpesa STK implementation(Lipa na Mpesa Online)
3 versions - Latest release: about 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 263 downloads total - 4 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
swish 0.0.0
Swish is a UI toolkit for busy developers and a "no frills" replacement for the standard Phoenix ...
1 version - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 38 downloads total - 10 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
exchange_rates_api 0.2.0
Exchange Rates API
3 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 385 downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
blacklist 0.2.0
Blacklist check with Akismet API implementation using Tesla
6 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 5.33 thousand downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
ex_trello_notifier 0.1.0
Create Trello cards from issues using webhook
1 version - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 42 downloads total - 2 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_open_browser 0.1.3
A module that opens a Phoenix application in the system default browser after boot server
4 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 572 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
flagmojis 1.0.0
An Elixir micro library that provides an easy lookup to country emoji flag information including ...
1 version - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 45 thousand downloads total - 18 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_profiler 0.2.1 💰
Phoenix Web Profiler & Debug Toolbar
3 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 3 dependent repositories - 32.4 thousand downloads total - 190 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
meseeks 0.1.0
Can do! A simple Elixir authorization system!
1 version - Latest release: almost 4 years ago - 63 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
flagpack 0.4.1
Provides 4x3 country flags as Phoenix.Component. Based on flagpack.
5 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 986 downloads total - 7 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
bh 0.0.16
Twitter Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 helpers for Phoenix.
16 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 23 thousand downloads total - 20 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
contexted 0.3.0
Contexted is an Elixir library designed to streamline the management of complex Phoenix contexts ...
15 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 15.9 thousand downloads total - 37 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 2.1% on
fun_with_flags 1.11.0
FunWithFlags, a flexible and fast feature toggle library for Elixir.
40 versions - Latest release: 8 months ago - 5 dependent packages - 47 dependent repositories - 3.43 million downloads total - 979 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 3.9% on
fun_with_flags_ui 1.0.0
FunWithFlags.UI, a web dashboard for the FunWithFlags Elixir package.
17 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 3 dependent packages - 42 dependent repositories - 2.23 million downloads total - 125 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
cookie_monster 1.1.6
A simple HTTP Cookie encoder and decoder in pure Elixir with zero runtime dependencies.
10 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 2.54 thousand downloads total - 4 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
plug_limit 0.1.0
Rate limiting Plug module based on Redis Lua scripting
1 version - Latest release: almost 2 years ago - 12.8 thousand downloads total - 11 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
phoenix_sass 0.1.8
Auto-compile Sass to CSS within Phoenix projects without NodeJS
5 versions - Latest release: about 3 years ago - 4.95 thousand downloads total - 2 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
plug_recaptcha 0.2.0
Plug module for Recaptcha needs Edit
2 versions - Latest release: almost 7 years ago - 377 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
ex_activity 0.2.0
Log Activity to your repo, using Ectro
25 versions - Latest release: over 6 years ago - 4.42 thousand downloads total - 5 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
picasso 0.2.0
Dead simple image resizing & cropping tool for phoenix projects.
2 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 117 downloads total - 4 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
memorex 0.2.4
A spaced-repetition system based on Anki built in Phoenix LiveView which uses Markdown for flashc...
6 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 378 downloads total - 14 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
phoenix_bakery 0.1.2 💰
Better compression for your Phoenix assets.
3 versions - Latest release: about 1 year ago - 2 dependent repositories - 20.4 thousand downloads total - 48 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 4.2% on
coherence 0.8.0
A full featured, configurable authentication and user management system for Phoenix.
12 versions - Latest release: 7 months ago - 1 dependent package - 41 dependent repositories - 211 thousand downloads total - 1,253 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
request_validator 0.8.4
A blazing fast request validator for your phoenix app.
29 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 118 thousand downloads total - 8 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
clamxir 0.1.9
Clamav wrapper.
10 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent repositories - 20.4 thousand downloads total - 11 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
svx 0.4.1
A PoC for single-file components for Phoenix LiveView
14 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 676 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
newrelic_insights 1.0.5
A way to publish custom events data to NewRelic Insights data explorer.
3 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 716 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 9.5% on
blue_bird 0.4.2
BlueBird generates API documentation from annotations in controllers actions and tests cases.
18 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 1 dependent package - 6 dependent repositories - 101 thousand downloads total - 55 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
ecto_rut 1.2.2
Ecto Model shortcuts to make your life easier! 🎉
10 versions - Latest release: almost 7 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 51.5 thousand downloads total - 112 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 5.1% on
react_phoenix 1.3.1 💰
A helper library for easily rendering React components in Phoenix projects. Built to work out of ...
22 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 1 dependent package - 30 dependent repositories - 336 thousand downloads total - 493 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
pyro_components 0.1.1 💰
Ready-made Phoenix components, built with Pyro.
3 versions - Latest release: 3 months ago - 70 downloads total - 2 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
sentinel 2.0.1
Adds helpful extras to Guardian like default mailer support, as well as out of the box controller...
11 versions - Latest release: about 7 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 3.59 thousand downloads total - 107 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
getatrex 0.1.1
Automatic Gettext locale translator for Elixir/Phoenix projects.
2 versions - Latest release: almost 6 years ago - 446 downloads total - 6 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 9.4% on
ex_admin 0.8.2
An Elixir Phoenix Auto Administration Package.
6 versions - Latest release: over 7 years ago - 19 dependent repositories - 15.9 thousand downloads total - 1,195 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer