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Top 0.7% docker downloads on : benchee

Versatile (micro) benchmarking that is extensible. Get statistics such as: average, iterations per second, standard deviation and the median.

Registry - Source - Homepage - Documentation - JSON
purl: pkg:hex/benchee
Keywords: benchmarking, elixir, extensible, graphs, microbenchmarks, statistics
License: MIT
Latest release: 4 months ago
First release: almost 8 years ago
Dependent packages: 18
Dependent repositories: 1,078
Downloads: 5,968,596 total
Stars: 1,372 on GitHub
Forks: 63 on GitHub
Docker dependents: 13
Docker downloads: 1,339
Total Commits: 1082
Committers: 37
Average commits per author: 29.243
Development Distribution Score (DDS): 0.246
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Last synced: 2 days ago

glychee 1.1.0
Glychee: Easy access to Elixir's Benchee from Gleam!
23 versions - Latest release: 2 months ago - 2.29 thousand downloads total - 12 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
benchee_markdown 0.3.3
Markdown formatter for the (micro) benchmarking library benchee.
13 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 29 dependent repositories - 35.6 thousand downloads total - 10 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
aoc 0.11.5
A small framework to solve Advent of Code problems in Elixir
13 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 2 dependent repositories - 296 downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 6.3% on
benchee_html 1.0.1
HTML formatter with pretty graphs for the (micro) benchmarking library benchee. Also allows expor...
9 versions - Latest release: 4 months ago - 2 dependent packages - 126 dependent repositories - 584 thousand downloads total - 55 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
leven 1.0.1
An efficient, tabulated implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm used to compute the ...
2 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 76 downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
incendium 0.4.0
Easy flamegraphs for your application or benchmarks
5 versions - Latest release: 10 months ago - 1 dependent repositories - 3.7 thousand downloads total - 18 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
advent_of_code_helper 0.3.1
Package to allow you to get input for all advent of code puzzles, rather than pasting them in man...
7 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent repositories - 8.19 thousand downloads total - 8 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
benchee_dsl 0.5.3
A DSL for benchee.
14 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 5 dependent repositories - 4.64 thousand downloads total - 9 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
rust_graphql_parser 0.1.0
GraphQL parser implemented as a nif in Rust using Rustler. Converts GraphQL documents to an Absin...
1 version - Latest release: almost 2 years ago - 48 downloads total - 1 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
Top 2.2% on
json 1.4.1
The First Native Elixir library for JSON encoding and decoding
21 versions - Latest release: over 3 years ago - 63 dependent packages - 738 dependent repositories - 2.55 million downloads total - 219 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
counter_ex 0.1.0
A small library that simplifies the usage of ETS as Counter(s)
1 version - Latest release: about 4 years ago - 92 downloads total - 0 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
genex 0.2.1
Genex makes it easy to write Evolutionary Algorithms in Elixir.
9 versions - Latest release: over 4 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 9.37 thousand downloads total - 1 maintainer
bunny 2.4.2019
This was an april's fools joke of a benchmarking library. It'll remain functional though.
3 versions - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 3.69 thousand downloads total - 11 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
benchee_json 1.0.0
JSON formatter for the (micro) benchmarking library benchee.
8 versions - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 1 dependent package - 43 dependent repositories - 626 thousand downloads total - 6 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
benchee_csv 1.0.0
Get CSV from your benchee benchmarks to turn them into graphs or whatever!
10 versions - Latest release: about 5 years ago - 152 dependent repositories - 270 thousand downloads total - 10 stars on GitHub - 2 maintainers
gauc 0.17.1
Elxir Wrapper for Gauc - Rust Wrapper for Couchbase
14 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 2 dependent repositories - 2.4 thousand downloads total - 3 stars on GitHub - 1 maintainer
aadya 0.1.0
CoAP framework
1 version - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 1 dependent repositories - 4.88 thousand downloads total - 1 maintainer
panty 0.1.3
An utility library for Elixir
3 versions - Latest release: about 6 years ago - 429 downloads total - 1 maintainer