
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. "factorization" keyword

Top 7.4% on
NonlinearSolve 3.10.0 💰
High-performance and differentiation-enabled nonlinear solvers (Newton methods), bracketed rootfi...
81 versions - Latest release: 13 days ago - 24 dependent packages - 206 stars on GitHub
LinearSolvePardiso 0.1.1 💰
LinearSolve.jl: High-Performance Unified Interface for Linear Solvers in Julia. Easily switch bet...
2 versions - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 220 stars on GitHub
LinearSolveCUDA 0.1.0 💰
LinearSolve.jl: High-Performance Unified Interface for Linear Solvers in Julia. Easily switch bet...
1 version - Latest release: over 2 years ago - 220 stars on GitHub
Top 6.4% on
LinearSolve 2.29.1 💰
LinearSolve.jl: High-Performance Unified Interface for Linear Solvers in Julia. Easily switch bet...
161 versions - Latest release: 4 days ago - 27 dependent packages - 220 stars on GitHub
LimitedLDLFactorizations 0.5.1
Limited-Memory Factorization of Symmetric Matrices
10 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 3 dependent packages - 22 stars on GitHub
LDLFactorizations 0.10.1
Factorization of Symmetric Matrices
12 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 10 dependent packages - 4 dependent repositories - 32 stars on GitHub
SuperLUDIST 0.3.2
Distributed Sparse Matrix Factorizations
5 versions - Latest release: 5 months ago - 3 stars on GitHub
ILUZero 0.2.0
A Julia implementation of incomplete LU factorization with zero level of fill in.
2 versions - Latest release: about 2 years ago - 3 dependent packages - 22 stars on GitHub
WoodburyFactorizations 1.1.0
Contains an implementation of lazily represented matrix structures that allow for the application...
4 versions - Latest release: over 1 year ago - 2 dependent packages - 0 stars on GitHub
AMD 0.5.3
Approximate Minimum Degree Ordering in Julia
7 versions - Latest release: 6 months ago - 8 dependent packages - 3 dependent repositories - 19 stars on GitHub