
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @a-2-c-2-anpm/animi-ut-veritatis


Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40a-2-c-2-anpm/animi-ut-veritatis
Keywords: express, prototype, concat, hookform, query, core-js, art, jsx, global, offset, globals, negative zero, [[Prototype]], packages, subprocess, dotenv, persistent, reducer, Symbol, ES7, deepcopy, promise, walking, ascii, superstruct, sort, ES2020, buffers, deep, toSorted, assertion, drag, whatwg, URLSearchParams, rfc4122, environment, request, TypeScript, forEach, uuid, spinners, byte, RegExp#flags, ECMAScript 2021, jsdom, autoscaling, format, ECMAScript 2018, Array, react, generics, Microsoft, fast-deep-clone, wordbreak, configurable, invariant, which, es-shims, byteOffset, @@toStringTag, gdpr, type, keys, rm -rf, .env, bundler, http, starter, eventDispatcher, es2016, Streams, bluebird, flag, crypto, readablestream, columns, mobile, ECMAScript 2020, delete,, link, ES2019, private, rules, json, transform, compare, matches, indicator, import, debugger, logging, full, full-width, graphql, Int32Array, prune, dependency manager, directory, ajax, assign, deepclone, RxJS, ava, fast-copy, testing, dependencies, eslintconfig, Object.values, take, spawn, airbnb, queue, width, browser, property, route, computed-types, iteration, push, picomatch, Array.prototype.flatMap, CSS, description, estree, Iterator, reduce, descriptors, optimizer, prefix, equality, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, iam, Int8Array, eslint, group, callback, fast, RegExp.prototype.flags, deterministic, ES2021, worker, https, typesafe, has, eslintplugin, inspect, io-ts, rapid, fastify, coercible, URL, wrap, is, optimist, _.extend, forms, syntax, queueMicrotask, emr, module, intrinsic, plugin, ES2022, argv, xhr, exec, sqs, value, ECMAScript 2015, ecmascript, ES6, es-shim API, private data, proto, argument, read, args, waapi, ReactiveX, telephone, rework, ES, elasticache, YAML, Array.prototype.contains, es2018, dom, sharedarraybuffer, tap, redirect, entries, api, pretty, installer, hardlinks, findLast, color, look-up, style, loading, Uint16Array, channel, agent, jshint, gestures, check, mkdirs, flatten, clone, dataview, weakmap, node, cloudwatch, isConcatSpreadable, fastcopy, CSSStyleDeclaration, jest, chinese, deep-clone, typanion, fork, escape, hasOwnProperty, functional, data, recursive, WeakMap, tostringtag, vest, logger, zx, accessor, ES8, execute, getter, listeners, regular-expression, immer, find-up, concurrency, arraybuffer, route53, apollo, setImmediate, typedarrays, scheme, mime-db, binaries, bin, vars, WeakSet, iterate, native, collection, fs, ignore, feed, dataView, styleguide, ender, getPrototypeOf, 0, a11y, fast-deep-copy, pipe, break, touch
License: MIT
Latest release: 12 days ago
First release: 12 days ago
Namespace: a-2-c-2-anpm
Downloads: 58 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 4 days ago
