
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @a-2-c-2-anpm/commodi-harum-reprehenderit

Babel plugin to replace extension of file name written in import statement and dynamic import.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40a-2-c-2-anpm/commodi-harum-reprehenderit
Keywords: pretty, defineProperty, parsing, function, dynamodb, rds, path, iteration, transform, utilities, ES5, logger, group, collection, trimRight, stream, patch, east-asian-width, regular, Symbol, dotenv, names, rate, proxy, YAML, json, channel, styling, Array.prototype.flat, tools, ECMAScript 2021, Object.values, .gitignore, runtime, __proto__, error, atom, make dir, glacier, global, properties, Uint16Array, URLSearchParams, guid, debug, npm, concat, es2016, descriptor, rapid, package.json, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, view, limited, getter, logging, javascript, queueMicrotask, prototype, Array.prototype.includes, prop, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, console, call-bound, description, util, RegExp.prototype.flags, id, install, arrays, number, ses, i18n, identifiers,, .env, location, art, ES2021, in, ava, readable, mkdir, ender, dataView, walk, jQuery, binary, StyleSheet, ES3, react, redirect, option, touch, ECMAScript 7, array, uuid, higher-order, colour, every, jest, eslintplugin, espree, modules, hooks, events, idle, polyfill, fork, deterministic, ts, execfile, RegExp#flags, object, serializer, delete, native, loading, ES2022, typedarrays, transpiler, search, negative, fast-copy, elasticache, es2015, beanstalk, ES8, react-hook-form, deep-clone, ie, fullwidth, mru, jasmine, censor, stringifier, ES, string, configurable, findLast, ES2023, io-ts, generics, weakmap, value, tester, drop, banner, tap, copy, time, multi-package, npmignore, packages, shim, valid, package, symbols, ES2017, trimEnd, route, busy, workflow, exec, scheme, create, cache, typanion, sns, rm, omit, format, iterate, concatMap, form, weakset, ESnext, call-bind, rss, computed-types, ajv, autoprefixer, WeakSet, throat, sorted, trimLeft, input, api, import, column, mkdirp, tdd, es7, es-shim API, mkdirs, serialize, once, xhr, BigInt64Array, has, class-validator, es-shims, query, language, efficient, spinners, http, redact, link, matchAll, tape, extra, jshint, three, libphonenumber, shared, typesafe, cli, whatwg, sameValueZero, redux-toolkit, file, es8, Object.fromEntries, animation, setPrototypeOf, mimetypes, styles, zero, escape, TypedArray, fast-deep-copy, util.inspect, characters, streams2, bluebird, $.extend, push, enumerable, descriptors, preserve-symlinks, syntax, ECMAScript 2022, symlink, sharedarraybuffer, dom, callbind, isConcatSpreadable, immutable, mapreduce, nope, config, proto, forEach, bin, es-abstract, writable, ECMAScript 2015, log, mime, codes, regex, syntaxerror, gdpr, move, form-validation, stable, last, spec, speed, concurrency, terminal, tostringtag, cloudformation, Observable, argv, crypto, serialization, slot, forms, typeof, recursive, reuse, rfc4122, debugger, CSS, moment, sham, date, ec2, styleguide, subprocess, warning, width, endpoint, a11y, define, es2018, es2017, full-width, inspect, agent, Int32Array, extend, setter, Int16Array, chromium, contains, routing, parents, mime-db, globals, String.prototype.matchAll, hash, hardlinks, inference, compare, from, ES2015, cloudwatch, robust, fs, equality, source map, Streams, wrap, symbol, test, args, child, execute, write, es, graphql, pyyaml, take, unicode, real-time, BigUint64Array, Microsoft, aws
License: MIT
Latest release: 13 days ago
First release: 13 days ago
Namespace: a-2-c-2-anpm
Downloads: 54 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 5 days ago
