
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @devtea2026/optio-quos-deserunt-commodi

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40devtea2026/optio-quos-deserunt-commodi
Keywords: picomatch, extra, concurrency, _.extend, Array.prototype.contains, handlers, elb, bcrypt, waf, deepclone, deep, cloudfront, linux, trim, byteLength, sqs, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, cloudwatch, elasticache, authentication, Promise, iterator, argv, styling, cloudtrail, reuse, code points, ES2022, uuid, path, codes,, weakmap, from, emit, terminal, some, toStringTag, env, less css, chinese, jest, installer, extension, css less, sorted, validate, elm, values, rangeerror, fastify, which, -0, utility, helpers, open, quote, parsing, every, spinners, monorepo, side, trimRight, debugger, live, consume, preprocessor, regex, toSorted, limited, CSSStyleDeclaration, Uint32Array, styles, flatMap, jQuery, copy, promises, Array.prototype.filter, immer, regular, variables, eventEmitter, Stream, ES6, output, rds, pnpm9, buffers, throttle, flag, serialization, stream, ES, id, mkdirs, weakset, drop, ECMAScript 2018, names, serialize, read, hooks, japanese, call-bound, option, Array.prototype.findLast, internal slot, plugin, merge, shrinkwrap, Int8Array, proto, test, colour, api, less compiler, array, ES2016, css, reduce, ES2020, shim, predictable, ArrayBuffer, browserslist, compiler, es-shims, Object.assign, yaml, s3, term, accessibility, ES5, columns, Streams, autoprefixer, CSS, autoscaling, Uint16Array, exit-code, io-ts, mru, flags, group, nested css, syntaxerror, callbound, react-testing-library, character, ie, delete, guid, cloudsearch, ec2, .env, less mixins, es2017, tc39, iteration, import, ECMAScript 2022, queue, inspect, text, callback, polyfill, description, up, findLast, sharedarraybuffer, dom-testing-library, mime-db, TypedArray, clone, YAML, proxy, enumerable, dependency manager, dir, es2015, progress, functional, identifiers, stringify, streams2, argparse, core, promise, includes, toobject, Object.getPrototypeOf, es-abstract, setImmediate, sinatra, sns, Object.defineProperty, move, multi-package, AsyncIterator, css nesting, Array.prototype.includes, String.prototype.trim, tools, speed, ECMAScript 3, once, streams, route53, signal, irq, check, Object.values, 256, touch, jasmine, metadata, value, file, rm -fr, @@toStringTag, Array.prototype.flatten, setter, eslint-plugin, ECMAScript 2019, traverse, hasOwn, testing, file system, wordbreak, bundling, function, 0, RFC-6455, efficient, rfc4122, graphql, format, airbnb, set, Float64Array, dependencies, matches, getPrototypeOf, lint, make
License: MIT
Latest release: 2 days ago
First release: 15 days ago
Namespace: devtea2026
Downloads: 863 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 36 minutes ago
