
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @hoangcung1804npm/iure-id-earum

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
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Keywords: shim, less.js, chai, set, agent, findLastIndex, ES2018, api, break, password, ES, amazon, classes, matchAll, superstruct, typedarrays, prototype, trimLeft, queueMicrotask, codes, search, asserts, byte, mixins, equal, hooks, uuid, ie, RegExp#flags, fullwidth, iterator, input, stylesheet, formatting, ES2021, chinese, rapid, argparse, _.extend, debug, route53, styles, regular, console, matches, equality, patch, flatten, concat, watcher, speed, qs, key, npm, style, Float32Array, nope, file, class-validator, validate, vpc, is, ECMAScript 2019, css-in-js, scheme, utilities, compiler, css, buffer, crypt, sequence, postcss, package manager, touch, coercible, jwt, Object.assign, querystring, WeakMap, package.json, toolkit, rangeerror, in, core-js, streams2, rm -rf, entries, intrinsic, walking, wget, test, Microsoft, read, negative zero, debugger, Object.defineProperty, minimal, waf, ECMAScript 2016, wordbreak, ec2, open, .env, dir, sort, form-validation, joi, native, scheme-validation, ts, lockfile, exec, Push, AsyncIterator, compare, weakmap, call-bound, output, ES2017, emr, contains, find-up, es-shim API, endpoint, ascii, hash, tester, ponyfill, extra, busy, spinners, es, Object.values, ECMAScript 2017, move, i18n, toSorted, concatMap, gdpr, byteLength, term, from, array, cjk, less mixins, argument, enumerable, setImmediate, function, Object, assertion, rm, Observable, parents, ReactiveX, batch, Array.prototype.flat, trimEnd, take, rmdir, jest, gradients css, BigInt64Array, RegExp.prototype.flags, path, language, ECMAScript 3, less compiler, ES2020, ES7, full, korean, arktype, warning, installer, random, react-hook-form, String.prototype.trim, elasticache, id, ast, argv, shrinkwrap, es-abstract, Array.prototype.flatten, promise, tslib, l10n,, runtime, code points, client, elb, map, mocha, wait, guid, fastify, css nesting, make dir, es5, call-bind, format, eslintconfig, copy, Symbol, WebSockets, request, fast-clone, cloudfront, web, config, immer, readablestream, setPrototypeOf, queue, forms, arraybuffer, commander, watch, Symbol.toStringTag, sorted, duplex, columns, push, yup, stream, flag, group, encryption, parsing, folder, merge, dynamodb, Uint32Array, bundler, slice, date, bluebird, WeakSet, replay, promises, ECMAScript 2018, ES2016, URL, Map, side, eslintplugin, URLSearchParams, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, configurable, es6, includes, predictable, throat, fetch, browser, Object.fromEntries, jQuery, metadata, private, once, Uint16Array, package, cloudwatch, rfc4122, s3, setter, symbol, indicator, getintrinsic, autoscaling, error, mkdir, walk, require, weakset, classname, dataView, flatMap, prune, cloudsearch, channel, characters, Object.entries, loading, positive, 256, fixed-width, ECMAScript 2021, get, remove, styling, japanese, cache, fastclone, cloudtrail, curl, syntaxerror, ajv, isConcatSpreadable, quote, symlink, iam, length, call, ECMAScript 6, variables, internal, estree, resolve, regexp, concurrency, crypto, authentication, await, TypedArray, symbols, toobject, regex, Iterator, util, tty, JSON-Schema, datastructure, which, getopt, traverse, kinesis, uninstall, RFC-6455, collection, form, typesafe, hardlinks, react-hooks, listeners, color, idle, xterm, rds, typedarray, json, forEach, cors, settings, match, tostringtag, ratelimit, nodejs, connect, browserlist, query, spinner, terminal, url, east-asian-width, fast, ES5, bootstrap css, getPrototypeOf, events, functions, reuse, art, hookform, option, own, deep-copy, modules, name, env, monorepo, stable, jsdiff, limited,, importexport, persistent, watchFile, object, immutable, escape, type, es7, descriptor, look-up, css less, less css, testing, negative, ECMAScript 5, auth, typeerror, proxy, throttle, @@toStringTag, efficient, callbind, utility, functional, postcss-plugin, helpers, aws, redux, sham, real-time, ES2022, es2016, banner, styleguide, ansi, fps, extension, proto, linewrap, structuredClone, vest, character, install, names, bound, ES6, compile less, logging, workspace:*, collection.es6, limit, drop, ES2015, routing, autoprefixer, private data, fast-copy, eslint, inspect, packages, task, ES2019, visual, Object.getPrototypeOf, watching, Uint8ClampedArray, colour, espree, ES3, every, performance, accessor, create, module, accessibility, higher-order, preserve-symlinks, jasmine, zero, fastcopy, command, delete, io-ts, emit, parent, stdlib, typeof, make, Streams, callbound, diff, a11y, CSSStyleDeclaration, bcrypt, tape, regular expressions, trimRight, internal slot, eslint-plugin, Array.prototype.findLast, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, flags, toStringTag, bootstrap less, assign, eventDispatcher, logger, middleware, shared, offset, [[Prototype]], censor, state, util.inspect, hot, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, write, shebang, es-shims, ECMAScript 2015, reduce, recursive, rm -fr, computed-types, rate, node, sns, YAML, serialize, hasOwn, js, live, pretty, check, stringifier, dom, react, fsevents, ArrayBuffer, fast-deep-clone, getter, mimetypes, groupBy, prop, number, trimStart, https, ArrayBuffer#slice, Array.prototype.flatMap, route, browserslist, cli, Array, ReactiveExtensions, pipe, redact, es8, ECMAScript 2020, apollo, deep, JSON, express, byteOffset, consume, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, libphonenumber, http, ajax, reducer, Array.prototype.filter, tc39, WebSocket, 0, mime-db, data, javascript, eventEmitter, bdd, Stream, protocol-buffers, up, figlet, gradients css3, deterministic, loadbalancing, view, bundling, args, es2018, lazy, ECMAScript 2022, superagent, ses, iterate, BigUint64Array, flux, Observables, writable, inference, jsonpath, expression, react-testing-library, storagegateway, some, dependencies, sharedarraybuffer, slot, dom-testing-library, dotenv, optimizer, ecmascript, graphql, extend, environment, robust, Array.prototype.includes, generics, spec, CSS, starter, emoji, css variable, phone, optimist, TypeBox, iteration, location, types, xhr, syntax, has-own, regular expression, Float64Array, wrap
License: MIT
Latest release: 23 days ago
First release: 23 days ago
Namespace: hoangcung1804npm
Downloads: 86 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 5 days ago
