
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @hoangcung1804npm/porro-eius-cupiditate

A flexible LRU cache made with the excellent [lru-cache]( package.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40hoangcung1804npm/porro-eius-cupiditate
Keywords: stable, fixed-width, cloudwatch, internal, limit, idle, descriptors, styling, rework, positive, environments, reuse, colour, drop, trimLeft, jest, Map, trimEnd, immutable, setImmediate, BigInt64Array, react pose, shrinkwrap, 0, styled-components, fs, datastructure, path, own, name, RxJS, chromium, string, fast-deep-copy, scheme-validation, Object.getPrototypeOf, fetch, sns, emr, negative zero, express, redux, tdd, environment, transform, es-shims, -0, Stream, color, arrays, tslib, CSSStyleDeclaration, iteration, ansi, fullwidth, buffers, parsing, env, RegExp.prototype.flags, wait, regular expressions, parse, location, mime-db, JSON, cli, Array.prototype.includes, superagent, cloudfront, espree, duplex, match, 3d, wget, execfile, parser, Streams, binary, Array.prototype.flatten, mapreduce, warning, includes, prototype, packages, AsyncIterator, spinner, lru, zero, japanese, importexport, typed, ES2020, file system, ES2018, rgb, description, rate, hookform, linewrap, merge, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, module, getter, gestures, moment, execute, three, modules, deep, metadata, pretty, core-js, break, ECMAScript 7, url, rules, uuid, functional, stdlib,, l10n, parent, beanstalk, serialize, import, matchAll, browserslist, Object.defineProperty, typedarray, iam, readablestream, redux-toolkit, trimStart, set, dir, intrinsic, symbol, read, dataView
License: MIT
Latest release: 14 days ago
First release: 14 days ago
Namespace: hoangcung1804npm
Downloads: 57 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
See more repository details:
Last synced: 6 days ago
