
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @landmineaknpm2/quasi-expedita-magni

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Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40landmineaknpm2/quasi-expedita-magni
Keywords: ECMAScript 2018, jest, CSS, styles, circular, walking, jQuery, Object.values, Uint8Array, request, findLastIndex, internal slot, byteOffset, create, waf, shell, pyyaml, codes, colour, file system, phone, eventDispatcher, exit, preprocessor, rate, east-asian-width, RegExp.prototype.flags, kinesis, scheme-validation, busy, shim, extension, moment, streams2, progress, hasOwn, stringifier, groupBy, computed-types, term, Microsoft, resolve, json, link, typedarray, restful, setter, copy, npm, recursive, cloudfront, unicode, map, lazy, RegExp#flags, readablestream, code points, es, private, efficient, delete, width, idle, weakmap, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, functional, hooks, @@toStringTag, generics, ECMAScript 2021, validation, ECMAScript 3, rds, trimRight, web, testing, getopt, arraybuffer, loading, negative, toobject, japanese, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, gdpr, Array.prototype.includes, flatMap, xterm, ie, interrupts, invariant, mixins, route, hookform, less mixins, color, css-in-js, input, variables, tap, emit, ArrayBuffer, electron, api, sinatra, bcrypt, matchAll, emoji, limited, ansi, Object.keys, key, modules, react-testing-library, hardlinks, ECMAScript 2015, .env,, findup, elasticache, multi-package, spinner, utilities, toolkit, symlinks, write, ArrayBuffer#slice, require, Object.getPrototypeOf, typesafe, nope, browserlist, error-handling, nested css, ES6, joi, module, property, ECMAScript 5, Stream, iterator, stream, handlers, node,, core, dataView, es-shim API, has, ES2022, YAML, 256, importexport, byte, exit-code, typanion, mkdirp, lint, value, ES8, listeners, AsyncIterator, validate, args, BigInt64Array, String.prototype.matchAll, util, sorted, routing, cli, parents, react-hook-form, shared, events, types, break, yaml, sort, bound, zero, time, coercible, Object.assign, typeerror, wrap, every, bluebird, forms, call, is, uuid, private data, mimetypes, es8, duplex, install
License: MIT
Latest release: 17 days ago
First release: 17 days ago
Namespace: landmineaknpm2
Last synced: 17 days ago
