
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @micromint1npm/accusantium-beatae-voluptatum

The algorithm continuously evaluates and scores open source software projects in supported package managers based on their impact and value to the OSS ecosystem.

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40micromint1npm/accusantium-beatae-voluptatum
Keywords: chinese, settings, whatwg, mapreduce, data, fs, parent, ES5, stringifier, name, ecmascript, push, request, browser, dataview, reduce, error, ES8, Array.prototype.flatten, gradients css, replay, proto, flatten, bind, rate, password, ECMAScript 3, eslint-plugin, mocha, shell, ESnext, location, ES2022, stdlib, exec, fastify, trimStart, fast-copy, walk, traverse, RxJS, Iterator, id, async, plugin, cloudfront, find-up, mru, Observables,, core-js, sham, remove, agent, ECMAScript 2020, formatting, postcss, workspace:*, autoprefixer, performant, nodejs, libphonenumber, stream, toSorted, ast, rfc4122, ReactiveX, parser, array, debugger, values, bundler, ES2018, unicode, simpledb, setter, flat, random, live, idle, path, helpers, real-time, ES2019, redux, quote, busy, validate, getter, lockfile, callback, characters, cjk, sqs, es6, flatMap, type, io-ts, internal slot, jsdom, es2016, cache, groupBy, wget, monorepo, concatMap, slot, up, tty, ECMAScript 2015, ES2015, internal, deterministic, trim, es7, es-shims, https, in, batch, class-validator, ECMAScript 6, Uint16Array, callbind, zero, channel, positive, dataView, console, accessor, logging, streams, typedarrays, every, bound, generics, lesscss, String.prototype.trim, jQuery, date, argument, less compiler, events, css-in-js, fast, Array.prototype.filter, properties, dir, installer, ReactiveExtensions, Object.assign, styles, dependencies, optimizer, rm -rf, qs, map, throat, buffer, Uint32Array, jwt, Object.values, hasOwnProperty, accessibility, kinesis, limit, Object.keys, metadata, core, zod, asserts, find, ie, command, valid, time, emit, Observable, glacier, computed-types, shim, set, native, test, extend, _.extend, proxy, uuid, is, write, Symbol.toStringTag, styleguide, tostringtag, contains, state, serialize, multi-package, fastclone, [[Prototype]], Object.defineProperty, RFC-6455, banner, concurrency, xhr, ES2021, superagent, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, modules, width, toStringTag, Array.prototype.flat, ebs, getopt, lint, prototype, call-bind, japanese, hookform, WebSockets, byteOffset, importexport, css nesting, amazon, rangeerror, diff, predictable, Microsoft, package, ES2020, call-bound, look-up, consume, styled-components, folder, runtime, css less, sequence, fsevents, chromium, swf, crypto, column, compare, figlet, form-validation, debug, install, ECMAScript 5, WeakSet, typeerror, inference, chai, colour, crypt, rmdir, throttle, writable, vest, ArrayBuffer#slice, escape, promises, environment, fast-clone, typescript, link, symlink, isConcatSpreadable, includes, schema, findup, symbols, input, setPrototypeOf, airbnb, rm -fr, output, sameValueZero, parents, findLastIndex, protocol-buffers, assertion, dotenv, starter, defineProperty, sort, open, description, spinner, routing, term, spinners, format, hot, lazy, delete, private data, invariant, Uint8Array, http, fixed-width, full-width, cloudwatch, middleware, mime, bdd, api, stateless, get, electron, touch, Underscore, byte, auth, typed array, ES, testing, directory
License: MIT
Latest release: 23 days ago
First release: 23 days ago
Namespace: micromint1npm
Downloads: 148 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 5 days ago
