
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @patrtorg/illum-hic-quas

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Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40patrtorg/illum-hic-quas
Keywords: URLSearchParams, getPrototypeOf, Symbol, [[Prototype]], omit, phone, guid, toStringTag, Float32Array, delete, push, regular, env, YAML, ECMAScript 2023, .env,, es-shim API, immer, ast, start, Object.keys, sameValueZero, zod, cloudwatch, waapi, stdlib, warning, framer, structuredClone, Iterator, mimetypes, Stream, testing, globals, -0, typedarrays, real-time, StyleSheet, queueMicrotask, CSSStyleDeclaration, descriptors, querystring, Object.fromEntries, ES2022, typed array, contains, escape, preprocessor, pipe, picomatch, quote, simpledb, readablestream, file, shared, coercible, fast-clone, electron, arguments, subprocess, xml, eslint, urls, Observables, request, multi-package, resolve, proto, vars, ECMAScript 2021, accessibility, URL, ECMAScript 5, wait, fs, local, s3, arrays, js, ECMAScript 2020, Symbol.toStringTag, karma, parent, time, dependency manager, uuid, open, full-width, Array.prototype.findLastIndex, writable, mkdirs, colour, call-bound, typeerror, metadata, dir, graphql-client, readable, arraybuffer, browser, mru, install, hasOwn, config, cloudtrail, parse, cli, yaml, positive, Streams, hash, trimLeft, react-hooks, full, channel, Float64Array, is, filter, equality, shim, side, variables, utility, dependencies, @@toStringTag, console, chinese, https, tap, extra, WeakMap, logger, compiler, stable, loading, dataView, date, cjk, TypeScript, rework, emr, awesomesauce, jasmine, route, break, listeners, vest, private, query, ES7, modules, cloudsearch, website, file system, flatMap, wordbreak, linewrap, eventDispatcher, rapid, swf, array, BigInt64Array, cache, JSON-Schema, mime-db, kinesis, wget, sequence, nodejs, yup, merge, pretty, eslintplugin, three, BigUint64Array, argument, native, autoscaling, Object.defineProperty, exec, runtime, sort, postcss, ArrayBuffer#slice, logging, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, inference, isConcatSpreadable, higher-order, indicator, extension, ECMAScript 2019, browserlist, figlet, create, function.length, react-hook-form, concurrency, express, animation, Set, ascii, stateless, defineProperty, fast-deep-copy, validate, lockfile, functional, ES6, es2017, setter, ES8, idle, xdg, regexp, plugin, starter, write, es2016, react pose, ES2020, core-js, ec2, command, internal slot, recursive, syntax, Observable, schema
License: MIT
Latest release: 14 days ago
First release: 21 days ago
Namespace: patrtorg
Downloads: 1,081 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 21 hours ago
