
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @teamteanpm2024/harum-corrupti-fugit

Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40teamteanpm2024/harum-corrupti-fugit
Keywords: String.prototype.matchAll, awesomesauce, node, art, jasmine, es2016, fastclone, opens, Array.prototype.includes, arrays, typanion, libphonenumber, typed, symbols, BigInt64Array, Object.getPrototypeOf, cjk, quote, ES2016, symlinks, react, folder, opener, call-bound, web, real-time, framework, es-abstract, efficient, moment, performance, YAML, ECMAScript 5, eventEmitter, classname, ES7, executable, phone, robust, sanitization, babel, bootstrap css, formatting, matchAll, defineProperty, entries, names, redux, ECMAScript 2022, group, tslib, computed-types, ECMAScript 2023, term, package manager, curried, lru, getPrototypeOf, uninstall, ponyfill, lockfile, wordwrap, ESnext, JSON, check, StyleSheet, open, Map, format, uuid, xdg, ES2015, debug, var, installer, ie, look-up, trimStart, regex, byteOffset, es-shims, stateless, karma, sort, option, writable, inference, es6, preserve-symlinks, flatMap, view, listeners, util, error, has, import, object, invariant, Promise, transpile, interrupts, name, commander, width, url, datastructure, limited, utility, value, sigint, Symbol, regular expressions, worker, key, fast-deep-clone, es7, child, log, encryption, prefix, protocol-buffers, animation, colour, gestures, parse, escape, hardlinks,, flat, iterator, ECMAScript 3, extend, less.js, dotenv, mixins, shell, watchFile, ECMAScript 2015, circular, variables in css, Array, curl, utils, characters, deep-copy, validation, some, logger, promise, picomatch, resolve, bootstrap less, progress, utilities, ramda, jQuery, queueMicrotask, offset, spawn, Object.fromEntries, concat, full, schema, filter, spec, shebang, tape, optimizer, react animation, modules, asserts, exit-code, Float32Array, pnpm9, AsyncIterator, install
License: MIT
Latest release: 15 days ago
First release: 18 days ago
Namespace: teamteanpm2024
Downloads: 243 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: 11 days ago
