
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @zitterorg/glowing-barnacle

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Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40zitterorg/glowing-barnacle
Keywords: scheme-validation, es6, css-in-js, css nesting, multi-package, telephone, iterator, accessibility, graphql, transpiler, 6to5, Underscore, iteration, javascript, package.json, validation, extend, view, status, uuid, YAML, censor, exit-code, delete, characters, RegExp.prototype.flags, spring, command-line, ECMAScript 2020, cli, package manager, every, Object.values, ES2023, css variable, which, object, framer, Float64Array, callbind, call-bound, argv, column, querystring, syntax, packages, events, npm, visual, ES2020, serializer, RxJS, symbol, eslintplugin, rapid, async, safe, typanion, forms, WeakSet, workspace:*, log, byte, ES5, watcher, animation, es2016, modules, ECMAScript 2019, channel, typeerror, ECMAScript 2021, express, airbnb, proto, call-bind, validate, trimStart, optimizer, node, ansi, utilities, setImmediate, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, rmdir, variables in css, enumerable, linux, redact, pyyaml, style, fastclone, deepclone, .env, typed array, polyfill, inference, Array.prototype.flat, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, coercible, regexp, pipe, stringifier, popmotion, date, setPrototypeOf, tslib, preprocessor, json-schema-validation, jasmine, args, fixed-width, less mixins, properties, RFC-6455, es-shims, config, loading, api, prune, readablestream, Uint32Array, less.js, idle, open, sigint, ES2021, lazy, connect, call, remove, styling, tostringtag, immutable, set, Array.prototype.flatten, auth, dir, ecmascript, shim, dotenv, getPrototypeOf, path, fast-clone, vest, queue, expression, ArrayBuffer, form, prop, tape, emoji, wait, compile less, copy, includes, typeof, some, joi, password, authentication, fullwidth
License: MIT
Latest release: about 17 hours ago
First release: 19 days ago
Namespace: zitterorg
Downloads: 31,902 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 5 hours ago
