
An open API service providing package, version and dependency metadata of many open source software ecosystems and registries. : @zitterorg/psychic-adventure


Registry - Source - Homepage - JSON
purl: pkg:npm/%40zitterorg/psychic-adventure
Keywords: performance, ES6, hooks, byte, scheme-validation, gdpr, test, ec2, ReactiveX, amazon, toobject, hookform, moment, ArrayBuffer, getintrinsic, state, styleguide, eslintconfig, cloudformation, Streams, getopt, es-shim API, touch, symlinks, react, redux-toolkit, pnpm9, es5, dayjs, dataview, metadata, compare, argparse,, mapreduce, rm -fr, ES5, set, view, CSSStyleDeclaration, class-validator, Uint32Array, clone, type, mime-db, collection, ecmascript, https, mixins, sorted, tap, readable, visual, deep-clone, remove, dataView, contains, configurable, ava, speed, StyleSheet, ponyfill, color, shrinkwrap, output, hasOwn, path, find, workflow, postcss, flatten, debugger, classname, crypto, side, url, id, postcss-plugin, real-time, functional, aws, wget, inspect, xterm, Array.prototype.findLast, callbind, matchAll, copy, getOwnPropertyDescriptor, yup, Object.defineProperty, require, buffer, schema, api, ES3, datastructure, object, spinners, args, make dir, fullwidth, less css, fast-deep-clone, dom, codes, deepclone, concurrency, formatting, helpers, search, stringifier, jsonpath, character, Observables, replay, zod, wordbreak, tty, rangeerror, filter, number, js, eslintplugin, lesscss, rapid, byteLength, Array.prototype.flatten, Array.prototype.flat, pretty, es-abstract, parents, TypeScript, warning, styles, es, duplex, TypedArray, cors, Iterator, group, fs, shebang, korean, term, recursive, 256, rgb, fast-clone, read, own, json, loading, tc39, omit, time, property, validate, cloudfront, lockfile, uninstall, BigInt64Array, ender, check, YAML, ES2016, Reflect.getPrototypeOf, reduce, trimStart, iterate, match, regex, ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice, jasmine, eslint-plugin, cloudsearch, break, merge, escape, es6, Int32Array, data, bluebird, rm, error, entries, typescript, RFC-6455, sharedarraybuffer, forms, hasOwnProperty, crypt, fastcopy, ie, in, ratelimit, electron, stateless, argument, flat, intrinsic, react-hook-form, guid, importexport, Object.assign, await, eventDispatcher, utility, throttle, length, ECMAScript 3, phone, symbols, Microsoft, assertion, querystring, vest, ECMAScript 2023, internal slot, invariant, limit, byteOffset, width, trimLeft, emoji, offset, language, extend, _.extend, command, mru, reuse, query, prune, from, javascript, Symbol, uuid, package manager, polyfill, es7, typeof
License: MIT
Latest release: 6 days ago
First release: 19 days ago
Namespace: zitterorg
Downloads: 9,597 last month
Stars: 0 on GitHub
Forks: 0 on GitHub
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Last synced: about 6 hours ago
